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    4. DO MUST DO BESTTaizhou Huangyang Lixinc-Mould Co.,Ltd is specialized in the developing injection mould,it is located in Huangyan,the kingdom of mould in china,producing the bumper,instrument,front and back set large light cover,anti-suncover for china YIQI group,Hainan Mazard.Tianjin faw Toyota Aisodeveloping the air condition,washing machine,Fridge,electric Motor Car and soon. Company have the advanced CAD/CAE/CAM software,large CNC machining center,CNC wire cutting,EDM,CNC More

      Dashboard Mould Bumper Mould Decorations Mould Door Panel Mould Commodity Mould

      EQUIPMENTSCompany owns advanced CAD/CAM.CAE software system,large CNC machining center,number control cutting, number control spark and all kinds of universal machine toll,etc,We have rich experiences affer many years mould explore and manufacture,we achieved mold development, design, production integration...

      Add: taizhou city huangyan becheng development zone arch new avenue 10(north side)
      Tel: 86-576-84916666 84015778
      Fax: 86-576-84018889
      Mobile: 013705769188
      E-mail: lixin-mould@china.com

      If you have questions or comments for us, please leave a message or contact us and we will solve your problems as soon as possible. Please Message

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